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Banned list update on 1 Oct 2023

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

Deadly Rollick will be Banned.

Flawless Maneuver will be banned.

Watch list added:

The One Ring

Esior, Wardwing Familiar

Like Flawless Maneuver, Deadly Rollick is best served by low-mana-cost commanders which aim to dominate the battlefield. The role it plays is unparalleled when confronted with a game whose strategy is similar, allowing expansion and uncompromising interaction to be combined at the maximum speed of development, which greatly unbalances the game. Also recognized as being used by otherwise high-performing games, Deadly Rollick is banned. 

Flawless Maneuver is a card that fulfills two roles. It allows protecting owned creatures from destruction spells or making them immune to combat damage. This is a card intended to be used by strategies that favor the domination of the battlefield. Its potential is maximized by low mana cost commanders. Those commanders which structurally benefit from EDHR rules. It provides a shelter that allows neglecting any risk-taking related to the maximum expansion on the battlefield and plays with the strategic implications of engaging in creature combat. The readability of this card is particularly complicated as it is not represented by mana availability. Its use by recognized dominant games is also a reason whyFlawless Maneuver is now banned. 

On the Watch list:

The One ring

It's a powerful colourless artifact which provides the card draw continuously and one turn protection to let you try to find the solution or combo piece. This is potentially to become one of the "must-have card" in all the decks. Put it into the watch list rather than banned list, let the format prove it's just good in format but not good enough to have it banned.

Esior, Wardwing Familiar

2 cmc 1/3 flying creature is an early blocker in command zone. It also provide the protection make all your Commanders hard to be removed. Extremely good at defending and attack with low mana cost aura and equipment. Several protection and counter spell can make it unstoppable. BUT, same as The One Ring, put it into the watch list rather than banned list, let the format try to fix it first.

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