Nadu, Winged Wisdom is now banned.
Underworld Breach is now unbanned.
All is added in the watch list.
Watch list:
Esior, Wardwing Familiar
Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph
Uro, Titan of nature's wrath
Nadu, Winged Wisdom is a powerful card in itself. Its colour association allows access to early mana-generating creatures to play it earlier in the game, while giving access to countering spells to protect it. Moreover, it’s hard to deal with when using any kind of removal, since targeting it gives its controller either a card draw or, even better, an untapped land to play it again very fast. What makes it even more threatening, is that a lot of cards act as a single-card combo, like Shuko or Lightning Greaves. Those strengths allow Nadu, Winged Wisdom to be played as a control deck if need be, while dominating the battlefield with multiple creatures, generating an impressive card advantage, also having a looping combo with Field of the dead. For all intents and purposes,Nadu, Winged Wisdomis, by far, it is much stronger than any other deck available at this time.
Underworld Breach was in the banned list when we startup the format. After 7 seasons, we found that Underworld Breach should be hard to start looping its combo without a ton of fast mana rocks. Without Lion's Eye Diamond, to some degree that Underworld Breach is not that overpower. For our goal, we hope more different decks can be played in EDHR. So We declare to Unban it.