Oko, Thief of Crowns is banned.
Oko, Thief of Crowns is too powerful for a 3-mana cost planeswalker.
Food being competitive means that people will have more than 25 life in almost all games. This means that winning before a slow deck can establish itself is too hard.
Having a free 3/3 elk on turn 3, 5, 7, 9 etc in addition to getting to play cards creates a board state that aggro decks cannot easily fight through. Even board wipes become less effective when free elks will continue after the wipe.
6 loyalty the turn it comes out is hard to answer by turn two or three, but you only have a one turn window until it has 3/3 elks to protect it.
Also he can turn any Commander creature into 3/3 elk. It is a good removal for solve your opponent Commander.